
Pamphlet on Kindergarten Teaching, 1946 ( Pt 1/2 )
February 6, 2023 9:59 AM Blog
OCCUPATIONAL PAMPHLET No. 6Kindergarten Teaching . . ​Prepared for the Guidance of Service Women who are returning to Civil Life . by the Ministry of Post-War Reconstruction in collaboration with the Department of Labour and National Service and the Departments of Navy, Army and Air JANUARY, 1946 Kindergarten Teaching WHAT IS KINDERGARTEN TEACHING? In Nursery Schools and Kindergartens all over Australia there is a very great demand for the ser- vices of specially trained teach.....
Save Trove, Save History!
February 6, 2023 9:11 AM Blog
PETITION TO SAVE TROVE!Have you heard of Trove?I can't tell you the amount of things i've researched and found on Trove over the years - it's one of my fave sites!! Local history, amazing photographs, seeing how your suburb has changed, what that building was before it was a milk bar or dentist ... main roads that were dirt tracks .. it's a great place for research, history, education, and just for simple pleasures!Help save Trove, sign the petition to Australian Parliament. The National Library.....
A Fresh New Kinder Year | Melbourne Child Photographers
February 3, 2022 11:28 AM Blog
I'm on the Booking Trail as of today.Given the last 2 years, my advice to you is to get in early and get your photos booked and done.Fun-fact: All my kinders that booked in Term 1 in 2021 had no dramas, no worries, no rebooks, just sweet sweet relief at getting the job done.Who knows what 2022 will bring. My advice is don't linger, don't dwell, don't over think it, don't delay. You'll have no regrets.Get dancing! Book in today!
Location, Location, Location.. 2021 UPDATE | Melbourne Early Childhood Photographers
November 2, 2021 1:08 PM Blog
An update to the service map!Remember this blogpost? I had a lot of fun playing with all the MmMmm's and now we service Melbourne to the Mornington Peninsula! From Middle Park.. down the Monash Freeway, to Mulgrave and Mt Waverley and down to Mornington, Mt Martha and Mt Eliza! Back up through Mordialloc and Mentone, Moorabbin and up through McKinnon, Murrumbeena and Malvern.So many other suburbs too!It's just fun to hum :) Will we see YOU in 2022?I hope so!
Fully Vaccinated: Covid-19
September 6, 2021 8:51 AM Blog
In Case You Were Wondering ..My vaccination certificate is the latest to join my armory of safety measures to allow me to work safely with children.I am happy to produce it for your records at any time.
2021 Kinder and Childcare Photography Season ( We're Back! )
February 22, 2021 2:32 PM Blog
2021 is BACK TO NORMAL, which is wonderful for everyone.This means we are: ★ Back to Providing Galleries for Parents to Choose From ★ Unmasked and back to an indoor/outdoor mix! ★ Not having to fit all our centres in the last weeks up to Christmas ★ Spending a full week per centre, allowing plenty of time onsite. Term One - booked out entirelyTerm Two - one week available onlyTerm Three - limited weeks availableTerm Four - limited weeks available 2021 is going to be a great year of smil.....
Kinder-At-Home | Kinder Albums
July 27, 2020 3:59 PM Blog
Did you spend Kinder at Home this year? Were your Kindy Photos Cancelled?Here at Little Big Adventures, while unable to photograph, i've created a new Covid Series of albums.We know how important the traditional kindy album is, so if this is your last year at kinder, or perhaps your 3rd child and the only one without a kinder album .. we're here to help!You'll need to supply your own photos ( print them to a 5x7 size ), or hopefully, when this world opens up again, we can organise make-up-kinde.....
Cancelled Kinder Sessions? | Little Big Adventures Pre-School Photography
July 5, 2020 12:01 PM Blog
​​Have your Kinder Photos been cancelled this year?Not only has Little Big Adventures had some of their regular centres postpone, but we've been receiving cries for help daily from other kinders who have no photographer at all this year - either because they lost their booking and their photographer couldn't fit them in anywhere, or they never got around to booking pre-Covid and now everyone is booked up to the hilt! Some centres have just given up on the idea of kindy photos at all for 202.....
Kinder's Back ( back again )  | Little Big Adventures Early Childhood Photographers
June 4, 2020 2:05 PM Blog
Kinder's back, tell a friend ....Wow, what a start to 2020.. or a mis-start I should say.Two terms of postponed kinders to make up in Term 3 & 4. Wow.So how is everyone feeling? I hope you are all well and happy.We've been homeschooling and keeping up to date with health updates and listening to health authorities.We purchased a new temperature gun ( the one I had came with a kit with my babies and didn't feel very accurate anymore ) and have a sanitation station at the entrance to Little.....
Work Health and Safety | Melbourne Early Childhood Photography
March 16, 2020 8:51 AM Blog
Every week Little Big Adventures attends a new and different centre to spend the week with your children.We've always been acutely aware of the environment we work in, and minimising risk.We take germs seriously, the health of our staff, and the health of your child too.Kids.Colds.Mess.Goobers.It's all part of the job, but we already follow best practice, Safety first, health first.WHY ARE LITTLE BIG ADVENTURES DIFFERENT FROM OTHER PHOTOGRAPHERS?:- Long Lenses. The majority of our photography.....
Top Nine Kinder Photos of 2019 | Little Big Adventures Early Childhood Photographers
January 23, 2020 5:12 PM Blog
​2019 was such a busy year all these images from my Insta Top Nine are all from before the kinder season even really got underway O_O !I'm planning a less hectic 2020 - the wrinkles in the site are all now ironed out and it should be smooth sailing and zen :)
Snot, Sunscreen, & Other Catastrophies | Melbourne Early Childhood Photographers
April 12, 2019 4:31 PM Blog
​​​Kids.Colds.Mess.Goobers.Honestly, did any of your lunch end up in your mouth, and WHY are you now eating sand ?!Every day, our photographers are met with:- nose drippers and sniffers- hot and sweaties - Sunscreen shiny faces- hat hair ( and those children very attached to their hats they might be glued on! ) - but mainly boogers, lots of boogers, so many boogers.Q: Do you know how many varieties of booger there is?A: A lot Obviously we TRY not to capture the gloop, but some kids are r.....
School Days Book by RhiCreative: SOLD OUT | Melbourne Early Childhood Photographers
April 10, 2019 5:38 PM Blog
Please note we the designer is no longer making this book and we have just sold our last remaining copy.
2019 Kinder Photos Season | Little Big Adventures Early Childhood Photographers
March 7, 2019 8:30 PM Blog
​Kinder Season.It starts in March and doesn't let up until Christmas.Here's to a jam-packed, smiley, serious, fast, slow, cheeky, shy 2019 :)
Location, Location, Location.. | Melbourne Early Childhood Photographers
February 11, 2019 1:26 PM Blog
Otherwise known as: What Areas do you Service?Once, there were photographers, whotravelled from Middle Parkto Mordialloc and MulgraveWhen, they thought about itThey realisedthey also went to Mont Albert, Malvern and MelbourneThey couldn't quite explain it*They'd always just gone thereMmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm* Well, actually we can explain it, we don't like to over-extend ourselves. We like being Little Big and we like to always be within 30minutes of all our lovely kinders and centres so we.....
February 5, 2019 12:21 AM
The New Website is Live!  Little Big Adventures Kindergarten and Childcare Photographers
February 1, 2019 11:07 AM Blog
NEW WEBSITE!( Or: Remind me Never to do That again ) A little like being in labour this whole last month of official kinder downtime i'm certainly primed for the no-sleeping/all-working upcoming season - phew!While officially a new site has been in the works now for almost a year - fact finding, gathering feedback, asking questions of Directors and parents, the hard nuts and bolts of building it all together had to happen in the no-work month of January. It's so exciting to finally be live!It l.....
The Top Nine Kinder Photos of 2018 | Little Big Adventures Early Childhood Photographers
January 10, 2019 1:51 PM Blog
2018 Top Nine Images as decided via Instagram :)
For Parents & Educators
January 9, 2019 12:48 AM
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